Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Re-Filming Section of the Toilet Scene

Group members present: Danni and Sophie
  • We decided to refilm the last section on the toilet scene as the lighting did not fit with the time of day we wanted our scene. We originally filmed it in the afternoon and it was still quite bright outside. Although we tried to hide this by only filmin inside the toilets, we thought it would be more effective if it was actually dark. This way we would not have to restrict out angles or edit clips to make them look darker, making the scene more believable.
  • There were onle two short camera shots needed for this clip. The first was the victim running into the toilets. For this we panned the camera as we followed the girl walking into the toilets to end on a long shot of her leaning against the wall. We did this by positioning the camera on the tripod and using the tripod to pan. After many attempts, we decided on one we were happy with to use in our film.
  • The second shot was a close up of the girl crying. We set the camera up on the tripod, making it as low as possible to be level with the girl sitting on the floor. After recording a few seconds of footage, we could cut the section we wanted in editing.

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