Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Filming Alleyway Scene

First Try
Group members present: Sophie
  • For this section of our film we originally only wanted to use two camera angles. The scene would start with the rapist walking past the camera (set at a low angle), and down the alley way. The second shot would be handheld from the victims point of view, as the rapist attacked her.
  • Each clip only needed to be about 5 seconds long and we would have a selection of shots to choose from in the editing process.
  • We chose this alleyway as it has the correct mise en scene for our storyline and fits with the run down and secluded look we want.
  • When filming this we did not think any extra lighting was needed as it was set by a lamp post and the alleyway seemed well lit. Once we had put this footage onto the Macs for editing, we realized it was too dark and we would need to use extra lights to make the on screen action more visible. 
Second Try
Group members present: Sophie
  • Using all the same camera angles and techniques, we re-filmed this scene, but made sure we had some extra lighting. For this we only used a bright phone light. For the first shot we stood it next to the camera to light up the alleyway more and for the second shot it was held with the camera so the light was coming from the same point of view as the victim.
  • Although when watching the footage back on the camera, the lighting seemed successful, it was still too dark when we watched it during the editing process and decided we would still need to find more light to use in this scene.
Third and Final Try
Group members present: Libby, Danni and Sophie
  • For this final try we changed the camera angles as we thought they would be more suitable and would allow the scene to be more visible, giving the audience a better view of what’s going on.
  • For the first shot of the rapist walking up the alleyway, instead of doing a low angle shot, we did a long shot by placing the camera on the tripod and leaving it there. For lighting in this shot we had three phone lights, held by two members of our group, shining on the alleyway. When looking at this on the Mac, there was a big improvement and we decided we would not need to re-film this shot.
  • For the second shot, rather than doing a handheld camera angle, we position the camera on the tripod and did a high angle, focusing closer on the scene. For this, again, a member of the group stood nearby, shining the three phone lights on the characters. In editing this was also successful and we decided this would not need to be re-filmed.

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