Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Filming Party Scene

Group members present: Libby, Danni, Mandy, Sophie

When we decided to film a party scene it meant that a lot of specific mise en scene was required and also extras. We started planning the scene in advance to make sure that when we went to film it was as simple as possible.

This Photo shows us setting up the camera and getting the extras into place. In this scene the main issue was the amount of extras we had; which weren't many, this meant that we had to make it look like we had more people, we did this by zooming in lightly and by having a high angle showing their heads it looked like there were more people.

Mostly the party scene went without a hitch. The lighting wasn't a problem mostly as our main source of light had a dimmer switch so could go darker for more effect. We also used lamps around the room so that when doing handheld shots it was still bright enough to see extra's faces.

We also had to film a montage of our main protagonist rolling a cigarette and her sniffing some drugs. We did the drugs scene from a low angle looking up through a glass table, this had a good effect as we could clearly see what she was doing. There were also other types of drugs on the table for extra mise en scene. When doing the montage it was quick shot with no sound except that made from rolling. The light was dim so that it seemed more secretive, and at the end when she lit it, it lit her face up, showing us exactly what she was doing.
At the end of the scene the main protagonist was meant to stagger out of the house, however there was not enough light to shoot, it came out darker on the camera. We re scheduled with more light prepared.

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