Sunday, 13 November 2011



Conventions: (Some could be used as diegetic music played in parts of the party scene.)
·         Non diegetic rap music
·         Non diegetic dubstep
·         Non diegetic instruments - heavy guitars
·         Non diegetic drum line beat / bass drum beat
·         Non diegetic grime music soundtrack
·         Non diegetic voiceover
·         Diegetic dialogue

Party Music:
·    Dubstep: Example - Cracks (Flux Pavilion Remix):
When the bass drops this can have a disorientating effect and can be used as parallel sound to show the character is feeling the effects of the drugs and alcohol kick in. It is also a convention of this genre for out of control party scenes such as this one.
·    Heartbeat (Chase and Status):
Heavy guitar builds up to make the scene more dramatic. The sudden change from slow to loud energetic music could be used as parallel sound to show how everything has changed from controlled to chaos.

Sound Effects:
·         Heartbeat
·         Heavy breathing
·         Ears ringing – muffled subliminal sounds of distorted voices and music. Shows disorientation        and effect of drugs/alcohol.
·         Deep bass sounds
·         Drum beat
·         Metal ‘clang’ sound effect
·         Heartbeat sound effect
·         Glass smashing sound effect

Establishing shots/Opening Scene:
For the opening we required a drum beat:
  This beat is quiet fast which will coincide with our fast changing shots. However we also have a slower track that could be used: This is slower and more mysterious so could give off the sense of enigma right from the start. A slower beat also shows it will not be an uplifting film.

Party Scene :
               Malaka- what should i name this track? Mini clip (dirty dubstep/electro):
 This track is halfway down the page and after the initial inro, these is a good dubstep beat which is fast moving for when the party scene is going on. The beat that goes on until 30 seconds in is a good dance track for our party scene. This would be a good song to have as its dubstep which we wanted and is good to dance to.
        A second song which is good is:
            Ekoe-Flashing Lights Ft. Casp (128 kbps): Halfway down the page at 0.38 mintues the song slows up which could be incorperated for when she is taking drugs as it could be her orientation slowing. This is a good dubstep beat which, when the music muffles and the music moves down in pitches (like steps), it could signiture when the protagonist is slowly moving down these 'steps' to a different level (the effects of the alcohol etc.). It has a clockwork feel to it which can state that time is running slower when the effect of the protagonist is occuring.

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